Featured Stories

Asif Sandeelo receives Wenner-Gren grant

Asif Sandeelo receives Wenner-Gren grant

Asif Ali Sandeelo who is fourth year PhD student at Integrative Conservation (ICON) and Anthropology program at UGA has received Dissertation Fieldwork Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for his...

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Metamapping – Creativity in Research Workshop

Metamapping – Creativity in Research Workshop

Please mark your calendar for November 4, 2024, 3:00 to 4:30 pm, for an exciting in-person workshop on “Creativity in research – Metamapping.” Workshop location will be CICR Room 238. The workshop...

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Amit Kaushik wins Nat Geo Award

Amit Kaushik wins Nat Geo Award

Amit Kaushik, PhD Student in Integrative Conservation and Anthropology is the recent recipient of the National Geographic Award for his PhD research in Central India! This project investigates the...

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Upcoming Events

Corrie Navis ICON Dissertation Defense

Conservation amidst complexity: Strategic approaches to informed decision-making for management of a rare endemic salamander
Corrie Navis, Ph.D. Candidate, Integrative Conservation and Forestry & Natural Resources
Monday, January 6, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Committee: Drs. John Maerz (advisor), Meredith Welch-Devine (ICON rep), Brian Irwin, James Martin, Nik Heynen

2025 Symposium on Integrative Conservation

Friday, February 21
Baldwin Hall Pinnacle Room (room 480)

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